Have an issue to report?
Submit a ticket by selecting
Issue in the bottom left of your DocketManager.
Providing as much information as possible will help us answer your question or resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Give a short brief explanation, this helps us organize and assign the ticket accordingly.
Choose a priority that best fits the importance of the ticket. Urgent meaning your site is down or you cannot perform a necessary daily function and low meaning it's a small issue but you can still operate your business.
When the issue is occurring on a certain page or certain order providing the url is quick way to let us know where we should be looking.
A picture is worth 1000 words so a screenshot of an error or the information being entered can help us recreate or track the issue.
If a picture is worth 1000 words then a video is worth a million. Use
Loom when you can to show the information being entered or the steps being done to help us better understand the issue and recreate it.
Upload Files
If the issue is caused by an import providing the csv can be helpful in determining if the issue is data or feature related.