Custom CSS & Javascript: All About Tasks!
August 22, 2023Zapier: Accounting
September 21, 2023
Did you know? There are some features you might not know about
Based on some frequently asked questions, here is part 2 of a list of hidden but very helpful features you might not know about.
Stats for each queue can be toggled on to display the top 5 results for each section which is based on the type of queue. Use the search filters to narrow down the results to specific criteria such as due dates.
Customer Defaults Selection
If you have multiple locations or sales reps, you can have preset defaults for each to select from when creating a new customer.
This can be found in the General button under the Dockets section of the Settings page.
High priority statuses can be added and organized into a priority order. When using default and custom sort orders in workflow, items with these statuses will enter a queue at the top of the list, based on the status' priority order.
This can be found in the Production button under the Dockets section of the Settings page.
When organizing items in your workflow, you can use the custom sort option to drag and drop your items in the order they should be worked.
File groups can be configured as single use, assigned a color for visual identification and drag n dropped into the order you would like files to display. The icons for proof, create thumbnail and hot folder can be set to be hidden or visible for each file in the group.
This can be found in the Order Options button under the Dockets section of the Settings page.
What features will you use?